
Recognized as leaders in the field of contemplative care and contemplative medicine we offer a range of educational programs for professional healthcare providers, volunteer caregivers, and those seeking graduate-level education in spiritual care and Soto Zen Buddhism. We are also the only Zen Buddhist-based organization accredited by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, to offer Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) for those pursuing professional chaplaincy.
Zen Practice

We offer opportunities for the practice and study of Soto Zen Buddhism for new and advanced practitioners alike through daily online meditation, free introductory courses, bi-annual 90-day online practice periods, retreats, graduate-level classes, and a Certificate in Soto Zen Buddhist Studies. For those wishing to become formal Zen students, we offer a complete path of practice under the guidance of an authorized teacher, as it has been for seekers of the Way since the beginning of Zen.
Care & Support

We offer care and support to those facing grief, loss, illness, aging, and end-of-life—all of which are sacred journeys. We also offer communities of support and connection for professional and non-professional caregivers coping with the unique and challenges of caring for others.
NYZC is a steward of innovating how we care for others and practice medicine. We conduct research measuring the impact of the contemplative approach on provider’s well-being and those for whom they care.